Big, Beautiful, Books
Designed by journal-obsessives. Our hand-sewn notebooks are built for luxury, practicality, and longevity.
Each real leather-bound book contains 1000 pages of legendary Japanes Tomoe River paper for smooth writing.
Hand sewn | Magnetic Closure | Archival | Leather Bound | Lay Flat Binding | 3 x Ribbon Markers
Theorem Opus 1000 Page Book
Theorem Opus is our signature book. Leather-bound, with magnetic closure and 1000 pages of hand-sewn Tomoe River Japanese paper. This is the ultimate book for writing. Pre-order for 15% Off. Limited Run ships in April.
1000 pages of Freedom
The Theorem Opus is a journey in pages.
Your story isn't simple, or short, or easy. Take your time, get it all down.
1000 pages means you can live with your notes for as long as you need them.
The finest Japanese paper
The best paper we've ever used in a notebook is the legendary Tomoe River paper from Sanzen in Japan.
It's light and smooth (54gsm) yet carries fountain pen ink and heavy washes with ease. It's a dream for biros and fineliners too.
There are 1000 pages (500 sheets) in a Theorem Opus.
Hand-Built for the Journey
Theorem notebooks are built to last more than one lifetime and are more than a match for a backpack or Grand Voyage.
Magnetic closures outlast elastic and the thick leather cover will become more distinguished with age.
Perfect thread-sewn binding lasts a lifetime and lays flat.
Things you can do in a Theorem
1. One Year of morning pages
A couple of pages a day for a full year.
2. A Novel and A Revision
Enough space to get an ugly first draft and a second revision.
3. Build a Startup
It takes about four notebooks to build a company, or one Theorem Opus.
4. Dominate the Boardroom
Lay this down, open to page 400, mean business.
5. Write an epic poem
It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be epic.
6. Learn to draw
One drawing a day for a year should be enough to get really good at bicycles or hands.
7. Emotion Tracker
1 page for each shade of emotion. See if you can find a thousand textures of feeling.
8. Multibook
One book for personal notes (in the front), writing project (in the middle), business notes (at the back) - just as our founder does.
9. Solve a puzzling hypothesis
Lean into a difficult problem by mapping it out over a couple of hundred sheets.
10. Commonplace book
As kept by John Donne, and others. A way of holding and storing vast amounts of interrelated miscellany from life.
11. Do a Law Degree
Keep concise notes for a whole four-year degree in a single object.
12. Recipes
That's a lot of food...
13. Go on a Journey
Have Theorem, will travel. Toothbrush - check. Passport - check. Money - ummm. Pen - check. Paper - double check.
14. Dispense with pleasantries
This is a place to be personal. Ink up and let loose.
15. Freedom from Artificial Intelligence
It can't get what it can't see. Paper and a pen and the undiluted, alogical, unfiltered, inimitable, you.
16. Create an Heirloom
No watch, car, house, or clothing can come close to a thousand pages of thoughts. Not. even. close.
17. Enumerate Profanities
There's a time and a place for swearing. Set aside a few pages. This is it.
18. Hand-copy a book
A surprisingly useful exercise for budding writers. Feel the words of another through your pen, paying close attention to the rhythm structure, meter and flow.
19. Copy scripture
The Bible, the Mahabharata, the Talmud, the Koran, Ulysses, whatever is sacred to you. Study it in the detail it deserves.